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LEK  YOGA Therapeutic , Thai yoga massage , Vipassana Meditation

Hatha Yoga / Thai massage / Meditations and Yin


Thai Yoga Therapy 60 min $150/180

Traditional Thai Therapeutic  massage, The treatments focus on  the problem area and discomfort of the body,  The authentic, "ancient style" is performed with just the therapist positioning the receiver in a variety of yoga-like poses and combines deep static and rhythmic pressures to releases tension of muscle promote healing .60/90min.

Hot Stone Therapy $150/180

Smooth warm crystals are placed onto the body's Chakra points and integrated into a treatment whose purpose is to foster well being, deliver deep relaxation and reduce stress overall. 60 minutes or 90 minutes

Reiki $90

is alleged to aid relaxation, assist in the body's natural healing processes, and develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is also said to induce deep relaxation, help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeing.50min90

Detox facial $150

Starting with a detoxifying cleanser and extraction , then perform an acupressure massage to clear up skin and drain lymph nodes. The entire treatment is then completed with a purifying mask. 75 min.