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LEK  YOGA Therapeutic , Thai yoga massage , Vipassana Meditation

Hatha Yoga / Thai massage / Meditations and Yin

Lek Stark


Traditional Thai yogic practices with Hatha and Thai hermit combined, Inspired by Thai Ascetics self-healing practices for strengthen and relieve pain.

Lek Yoga got the name from founder Ramphoei Lek Yimyaem or Lek Stark

Lek Stark is owner of Lek Yoga registered yoga school ( 200-RYS) and Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider( YACEP ), Thai massage instructor ( UTTS ), Reiki teacher and NY license Esthetic.

Lek was born in Thailand and has worked in the beauty, massage and spa business for many years at 5-star properties like The Four Seasons Koh Samui, and the Sheraton Hotel Times Square in New York City.

She has been a yoga practitioner for years and decided to train others in her unique form of yoga, which is a combination all of self-healing techniques that include traditional Thai yoga practices. She is now offering classes for those looking to be trainers, from beginner to intermediate. Lek focuses on breathing exercises, vipassana meditation and certain movements such as: Yoga style Hatha, Therapeutic, Gentle, and Yin. her unique blend of tradition Thai techniques derived from the ancient “Hermit’s Self-healing” style. 

Lek’s passion is to share her vision for self-healing yoga and Thai massage worldwide and, in so doing, make the world a better, gentler (or healthier) place.

Self-healing yoga

Hatha and Hermit Self-healing

Thai yoga massage

Thai yoga massage