, pub-4785952719637907, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

LEK  YOGA Therapeutic , Thai yoga massage , Vipassana Meditation

Hatha Yoga / Thai massage / Meditations and Yin


Thai Yoga Massage

7 days packages 30 Hr Thai YOga massage training

Your experiences included

1. 2 Daily yoga  and Meditation.

2. Thai yoga advances stretching .

3. 6 night accommodation private room

4.  1 day trip to beach, market and temple for meditation

6.  2 meals healthy local food

7. 30 hours of Thai Massage training certification

8. Materials

$519 Pricing / person

Date upon request

Training location

Laguna Beach resort 3 Pattaya Thailand

  Inquiries : for more information 


   50% for reserve spot  paid to  PayPal : or contact directly.

*Non refundable