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LEK  YOGA Therapeutic , Thai yoga massage , Vipassana Meditation

Hatha Yoga / Thai massage / Meditations and Yin

Thai yoga massage $150

 Ancient Thai massage  is performed with no oil,  in a variety of yoga-like poses to strengthening and pain release using the Hermits exercise technique with  rhythmic pressures to releases tension of muscle promote healing  and energize.  60 min

Thai Therapeutics $150

 Traditional Thai medicine , The treatments focus on  the problem area and discomfort of the body,  The authentic, "ancient style" is performed with just the therapist positioning the receiver with  deep static and rhythmic pressures for blood circulation , un blockages  and  releases tension of muscle promote healing..  60 minutes.

Stone Therapy $150

Smooth warm stone  are placed onto the body's Chakra points and integrated into a treatment whose purpose is to foster well being, deliver deep relaxation and reduce stress overall. 90 minutes

Back-walking therapy $130

The back-walking therapy applies deep but soothing pressure to your back to “feed” the muscles, releases toxins and stimulates the body’s self-healing capabilities. It combines centrifugal and centripetal push with pull movements therefore creating a structural change to chronic soft tissue damage, while providing complete.60min

Healing Touch Therapy $130

A relaxing, comforting energy—balance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Healing Touch Therapy works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with all standard medical care to reduce stress, depressions and decrease pain. 60 or 90 minutes

Hand & Foot Reflexology $120

Detoxify and release toxins and blockages from the body through the foot. 60  minutes

Reiki Session $90

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. The practitioner transfers healing energy by placing their hands on or above the recipient who lies fully clothed on a massage table. 45 minutes

Note: this price list base on New York services location and

50% off for Elderly and Retirement

For Thailand services and location please contact: