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Thai Yoga School / workshops / Private Yoga teacher training
Thai therapeutic yoga
It is a combination of traditional Thai Hermits self-healing exercises, with Hatha Yoga, Inspired by the Buddha , the exercise focus on strengthening for pain relief, with the powerful type of Pranayama Kumbhaka ( breath retentions). The pause between inhale and exhale is an incredibly effective tool to regulate mental chatter, better oxygenation and improve concentration.
Thai Hermits yoga is being used in various ways. Other Thai name called Reusi Dat Ton poses and exercises as a way to improve and maintain overall health, with the aim of facilitating the normal healthy flow of bioenergy through the “Sen” or energy channels of the subtle body. Practitioners of Thai massage use Reusi Dat Ton in combination with traditional Thai Massage techniques as a system of therapy.
Some of the benefits of Reusi Dat Ton practice include improved physical balance, increased joint mobility and muscle coordination. Similar to yoga, many poses incorporate holding the weight of your own body for an extended period of time to build muscle strength. Regular practice could alleviate chronic muscular weaknesses and oxygen supplied to the cells slow down cell degeneration and promote longevity.
The synchronizing breath with the movement helps improve blood circulation, respiration, absorption and digestion of nutrients and elimination, detoxification which result in stronger immunity, reduced stress and anxiety, greater relaxation and concentration. Because the exercise includes various bends and stretches, muscle pains, discomforts, aches and stiffness of virtually all body parts are usually relieved.
Ramphoei Yimyeam ( Lek Stark )
Founder of Lekspa and Lek Yoga school 200RYS, Private Yoga teacher E-RYT200, YACEP, Thai massage instructor ( UTTS ), Reiki master, and NY license Esthetic.
Lek was born in Thailand and has worked in the beauty, massage and spa business for many years at 5-star properties like The Four Seasons Koh Samui, Thailand and the Sheraton Hotel Times Square in New York City.
She has been a yoga practitioner for years and decided to train others in her unique form of yoga, which is a combination of techniques that include traditional Thai practices. Her teaching is following in the Buddha’s philosophy “Middle Way” , The mixed of meditative and certain movements such as: Hatha, Therapeutic , Gentle and yin her unique blend of Thai techniques derived from the ancient “Hermit’s Self-healing” style.
Lek’s passion is to share her vision for Self-healing yoga and Thai massage worldwide and, make the world a better, gentler (or healthier) place.